The trail begins off of
Monument Preserve Loop and ends on the far side of Mt. Herman at the
White Ghost Trail. The majority of riders will climb up Mt Herman Road from one of the various trails from Monument Preserve, to access this trail as it crosses over the road and climbs over into Limbaugh Canyon.
From this midpoint, the trail immediately heads up several steep, gravely climbs of >10%. Traction is a challenge and usually results in a hike-a-bike for 25-50m for all but the most adept. The trail then continues to climb up to a ridge before dropping into Limbaugh Valley after a series of narrow switchbacks and traverses.
Once in the valley, the track becomes a wonderful fluid ride through meadows and treed segments. There are a few stream crossings that appear with little warning. There are few opportunities to get lost, except as the trail curves around the north end of Mount Herman and begins to drop down into an old, rocky mining grade. This grade will eventually end on private property, so is not an option. Look for a steep trail that heads south, up and across the face of Mount Herman (
White Ghost Trail, look at the finger picture pointing the way). This will keep you out of private property.
Alternatively, after climbing up Mt. Herman Road, at the mid-point of this
Trail 715, the lower portion can be ridden as downhill. Beginning on the south side of the road this trail descends to North Beaver Creek and runs parallel for about a mile.
The trail has a steep grade, with large rock drop-offs (24") and loose scree. It is a less traveled trail and overgrown, making riding even more difficult.
After a mile and a half, the trail turns north to meet up with the other many trails in the Mt. Herman meadows. The trail is much more manageable and enjoyable after this. Riding downhill, the trail will meet by joining the
Monument Preserve Loop.