Dogs Unknown
Need to Know
Technically the only trailhead from the parking lot. Use to access Blue, Red, and Green or to return to parking lot from the north right-of-way.
Starts with a mild climb that includes a couple decent-sized roots to hop up. At the 0.5-mile mark, you reach the north right-of-way and can bail out to the Blue, Red, and Green trails. This is marked with colored arrows.
Continuing the trail takes you down Terry's Home Run which is one of the longest continuous downhill sections in the park featuring good berms and not too many roots.
At the bottom of the hill, you're right next to the parking lot so you can use this section to get back from the north trails. The rest of the trail is nice and flowy but relatively flat. Near the end is a challenging - but optional - log skinny over a ditch.
Shared By:
Ryan Pierce