Dogs Unknown
Need to Know
Be careful NOT to take the Blackhaw Accessible Trail that parallels the eastern half of Strouds Run Trail.
The Strouds Run Trail begins at the parking lot for the Thunderbunny and Hickory/Trace trailheads, and goes east from there. The trail provides an alternative to riding on Strouds Run Road and connects several potential loop rides using Sundown, Hollow Point, or Thunderbunny.
The first quarter of a mile or so has a crushed limestone surface that is very level and smooth. That section of trail emerges into the parking lot for the Bulldog Picnic Shelter. Continue across the parking lot to pick up the trail again on the east side of the lot.
At that point, you'll see two trailheads side-by-side. Bikes should proceed on the trail to the left with the narrow dirt surface north of the wooden split rail fence.This one is the eastern half of the Strouds Run Trail while the other trail, on the right, with the wider crushed-limestone surface is the Blackhaw Accessible Trail which is closed to bikes.
The Strouds Run Trail runs along the edge of the road for a short distance before dropping back down into the woods. Although this wooded section is short, it is a fun alternative to the road, adds a little more singletrack to your ride, and has some pretty views of the lake to the south. The trail ends in the LaBarthe Run parking lot from which you can continue eastward back onto the road briefly to connect to several other trail options.
Shared By:
Mac Stricklen