Dogs Off-leash
Need to Know
No water or restroom access. Rattlesnake and other wildlife habitat.
Starting from the parking lot nearest Hwy 160, take the first trail option to the left. The old ATV trail has been converted to singletrack, blocked on alternating sides as it skirts the base of the adjacent bluff. The singletrack ends at the next parking lot as the trail turns left onto a dirt road.
A quick climb up a rocky incline and you soon reach the Wagon Ruts. A sharp drop over exposed boulders make up the trail here. This can seem intimidating but it's easy to find a line and zoom down. Follow the road a little further and another singletrack trail appears on the right. Don't worry if you miss the turn off. The road eventually turns right and the trail merges with it again.
Once on the singletrack, you'll have a brief, rocky climb before cresting and enjoying a swift descent back to the road. This is where the road gets a little dicey as it becomes a staircase with giant rocks jutting out, making the climb a little treacherous. This is the only difficult part of the trail but it isn't too long to hike if it becomes too much.
After the big rocks, you reach a crossroads. For this route, you'll hang right, swishing through tall grass that almost hides the actual trail. Follow this for about half a mile to the Nicomodes Trail trailhead.
Shared By:
Joshua W
with improvements
by Ron Sheller
and 1 other