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“This fast-flowing trail winds in and out of a sinkhole and the surrounding open woods.
You get to this trail from the top of the powerline hill by the picnic tables by taking Tung Nut east to the Hammock Hub Connector. The trail winds down a fairly rooty decline to the bottom of the sink hole and across to the other side. It climbs out over several roots before going into flowing flat trails through open woods.
The trail dips into the sink hole one more time and flows a bit more until you come to the Sweet Gum Connector trail. Stay to the left and the trail dips down the side of a ridge through a few semi-technical sections and then ends back at the Hammock Hub Connector.
Large down tree blocking southern part of the loop. Detour possible but not clearly defined yet. Recommend bypassing or sticking to the north section
2h 30m