Dogs Leashed
The Glen Finglas Reservoir Road forms part of the Glen Finglas Loop. Initially the road is paved from the small village of Brig O'Turk of the main A821 road. There's one steep climb just before you reach the Glen Finglas Reservoir. The road continues through the forest and
Lendrick Hill joins from the east. After about 1.5 miles, the forest gives way to pasture and the beautiful Glen Finglas reservoir will be on your left. Shortly thereafter, you reach the last of several farms and the surface switches to gravel.
The gravel portion continues its way along the reservoir heading towards Meall Cala (2,211 ft) which is directly in front of you now. The end of the road is at the intersection with two land rover tracks:
Glen Meann and
Glen Finglas. These make an aerobically difficult circumnaviation of the Meall Cala through beautiful backcountry in Loch Lemond and The Trossachs National Park.
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