Dogs Leashed
Family Friendly
Shelter, outdoor interpretive panels, viewpoint and obstacle-free trails make this perfect for family
Sentier d'interprétation de la nature, refuge, point de vue, plusieurs lacs, milieux naturels
The Orphans trail is the backbone of the Orphans trail system.
Mostly, the trail surface is clay. This is a good trail for the family, as there are few technical difficulties but some pretty steep slopes. It is great for getting new riders accustomed to new terrain. So you can go with the family, and get your cardio training in all in one outing.
Le sentier des Orphelins est la colonne vertbrale du rseau de sentiers des Orphelins.
Sentier en terre battue, peu de difficult technique mais quelques pentes assez raides.
Vous pouvez autant y aller avec la famille qu'en entrainement trs cardio.
History & Background
Le sentier des Orphelins tient son nom de lOrphelinat de Montfort qui existait au 19e et 20e sicle.
Shared By:
Joel Badertscher