Dogs Leashed
Hobby Park is aerobically challenging and a perennial course of several mountain bike race series.
Need to Know
Better marked trails
The trail starts playfully, with several bumps, rocks, manmade mounds, and roots to be jumped. The trail then drops significantly to give the rider as much downhill speed as can be controlled.
You'll descend football field-length falls and pedal up climbs for almost as long to get to the bottom of the park and soapbox derby run for the ascent to the top on the other side.
The ability to carry speed will reward the rider with a needed upward boost on climbs that will drive most riders to their aerobic capacity.
Not anticipating the correct trail flow can put one high or low into the curve and result in some hike-a-bike. As the bottom is approached, rocks become a factor as the trail changes from clay to sand and pebble. The descents are left behind and the ascent begins up and around pebbles, baby heads and boulders.
Just before crossing the small lakes to the right is the optional trail called Little Pisgah, a half mile diversion that evokes visions of its Western mountains namesake. Continue the climb that offers variety to the other side, mostly ascending rocky terrain or grass over clay to the top, then cross the entrance road to Hobby and back to the parking lot.
Shared By:
Doug Cox
with improvements
by Brett Burey
and 2 others
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