Dogs Leashed
Family Friendly
Picnic area at the nearby Timberlake
Need to Know
Located on Eglin AFB property, but it's open to the public. You'll need to purchase a $12 pass from Jackson Guard, info can be located at
A pass includes access to most of Eglin property, as well as fishing. Check daily access map to make sure the area is open to public, because occasionally the military conducts training in the area. Daily map info can be found at
At the trailhead is a map of the area. The red trail is the Carbo loop. Stay to the right at the beginning and follow the red markings on the trees. About 1/2 mile in, there's a clearing followed by a fork in the trail with no markings - choose the right.
The bulk of trail is slighty sandy singletrack covered by pine needles and leaves. At about 3.25 mi the trail opens up into a T-intersection. If you want out then stay to the right and follow the path back to the road otherwise go left and finish the loop. Many miles can be explored round Timberlake, but most just ride well used Carbo loop.
Shared By:
Jake M
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